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Patient resources

Find resources to support your journey

Here you’ll find resources dedicated to helping you understand and navigate diagnosis, consider Enterra Therapy, and adjust to life with your Enterra® System.

Our Enterra Medical Patient Liaisons are trained professionals with healthcare experience. They are here to help answer your questions.*

Monday through Friday
8am to 5pm EST.

Schedule a call with an Enterra Medical Patient Liaison.

Understanding gastroparesis

Start here if: You’re still learning about what gastroparesis is, or trying to understand if you might have gastroparesis.

The challenge of gastroparesis

File type: PDF

Learn more about gastroparesis, as well as possible treatment options.

Gastroparesis pamphlet

File type: PDF

Learn about gastroparesis, causes, common tests for diagnosis, and treatment options, including Enterra Therapy.

Educational discussions on gastroparesis

Live and recorded educational discussions on gastroparesis and treatment options. Panelists include healthcare providers who specialize in gastroparesis, an Enterra Therapy patient, and an Enterra Medical Patient Liaison.

Start here if: You need help obtaining a gastroparesis diagnosis–or making sense of one.

Gastroparesis discussion guide

File type: PDF

This guide will provide an overview of gastroparesis, common tests used for diagnosis, treatment with Enterra Therapy, as well as resources to help start a conversation with your provider.

Symptom diary

File type: PDF

Track the number of hours you experience nausea and vomiting each day.

Patient Symptom Tracker thumbnail

Symptom tracker

File type: PDF

Use this log to record the severity and frequency of gastroparesis symptoms.

Nutrition recommendations

File type: PDF

Refer to this resource for nutrition tips and recommendations.

Comforting Your Uncomfortable Stomach

File type: Purchase through Amazon*

104 page guide co-written by a patient and her gastroenterologist. Simple, 3 step, nutritious, recipes based on stomach emptying principles are included. Additional chapters on how the stomach works, diagnostic testing, treatments for nausea, preparing to see the doctor and the doctor-patient relationship.

*(Co-author, Dr. Koch does not receive royalties from the sale of this book)

Dr. Kenneth Koch

6 tips for talking to your gastroenterologist, with Dr. Kenneth Koch

Could Enterra Therapy be right for you?

Answer a few short questions to see if you may be a candidate and get a customized guide to help you start a conversation with your doctor.

Gastric emptying test overview

File type: Video

The video covers what a gastric emptying test (GET) is, what to expect during the test, how to understand the results, and important questions to ask your provider when considering the test

Preparing for your gastric emptying test

File type: Video

The video discusses important considerations when preparing for a gastric emptying test, including the impact of medications, diabetes, tobacco use, and pre-menopause, when to schedule the test, and questions to ask your provider beforehand.

Considering Enterra Therapy

Start here if: You or your loved ones need support adjusting to life with gastroparesis and are considering treatment with Enterra Therapy.

Introduction to Enterra Therapy

File type: Video

Watch a 3 minute video explaining gastroparesis and Enterra Therapy.

5 things I wish I would have known: caring for my spouse with gastroparesis

Watch and read patient stories

Watch videos and read testimonials from real patients about their journey with gastroparesis and Enterra Therapy.

Connect with a Patient Ambasador

Enterra Therapy Patient Ambassadors are recipients of Enterra Therapy and are available to share their experiences and connect with you.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Enterra Therapy.

A surgeon’s tips for your Enterra Therapy consult, with Dr. Kent Van Sickle

Support for Enterra Therapy

Start here if: You’re an Enterra Therapy recipient with questions about living with your Enterra System.

For medical concerns

After receiving an Enterra System, direct any medical, medication and therapy questions to your doctor – including who to contact in case of concerns that occur outside of regular business hours.

For questions about Enterra Therapy

Contact Enterra Medical Patient Services for questions about your Enterra Therapy System. Please note that we cannot comment or advise on your medical condition.

Patient manual

Your doctor will provide you with the Enterra Patient Manual. If you would like another copy, please email us directly.

Patient identification card

Your ID card indicates that you have an implanted medical device, which is critical for airport travel and in case of emergencies. 

Please request a new card if you move, change doctors, or lose your ID card by completing our online form.

*The information provided on this site is for general educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for your individual situation.

MKT-D-0003, Rev AC


Enterra Therapy for treatment of chronic, resistant to medication nausea and vomiting associated with gastroparesis caused by diabetes or an unknown origin in patients aged 18 to 70 years: patients should always discuss potential risks and benefits of the device with their physician.


Authorized by Federal law for use in the treatment of chronic intractable (drug refractory) nausea and vomiting secondary to gastroparesis of diabetic or idiopathic etiology in patients aged 18 to 70 years. The effectiveness of this device for this use has not been demonstrated. What does this mean?